Thank you for enquiring about the Sadie Bristow Allergy Management Fund. Please
find further information below.

What is the Allergy Management Fund?

The fund will provide you with three months of allergy management support from Dr
Helen Allergy* and the team of specialists including a Dermatology Nurse Specialist,
Psychologist, and Dietitians. You will receive a 1-1 with Dr Helen which will last up to
30mins. She will then support your journey within her closed Facebook group. You
will have access to all pre recordings from specialists plus invitations to join the talks
each month. You will be able to post questions in the group for the specialists to
answer and receive peer to peer support from families in similar situations.

Who can apply?

The fund is available to families of children (up to the age of 16) with suspected or
diagnosed allergies.

How do I apply?

We will be sending out applications soon, there is no need to do anything until then.

What is the deadline?

There is no deadline to applying for the fund, however once all spaces have been
filled and you are eligible you will automatically be placed on a waiting list.

How many places are available?

There are 30 funded places available.

How are applications assessed?

Each application is assessed on an individual basis however this is the main criteria;

  1. You must not be under an allergy specialist privately
  2. You must be living in the United Kingdom full time
  3. You must be a parent or family member with caring responsibilities for a child/children with allergies up to the age of 16.

When will I know the outcome?

We aim to have a decision on your application within two weeks of receiving the

Will I receive feedback if I am not successful?

We will aim to provide feedback. However, as we are a very small team, this may not
be possible if we receive a high number of applications.

Can I reapply if my application is not successful?

If we reject your application, we will let you know if you can reapply.

When does the programme start if my application is successful?

Your place will start straight away. We will pass your details onto Dr Helen Allergy
and she will be in contact to arrange your first consultation.

Can I access the support programme if I am not selected for a funded place?

If you are not selected for the funded programme, you may contact Dr Helen to join
her programme privately.

* Dr Helen Allergy is the trading name of Dr Helen Eve Evans-Howells Ltd,
Registered Company number 10716522