Wow, what am amazing event!
“I have been skiing for 30yrs and worked in the ski industry for 20 of those and I have never taken part, let alone organise, an event such as Ski for Sadie. Challenges were considerably varied and well presented. The app worked really well and engaged participants. Navigating your way around 2 of the worlds largest ski areas in an effective and efficient manner was brilliant. Understanding the best times to take a lift and what routes worked best to achieve maximum results within the challenges. Including reaching all 100 checkpoints, over a 1000km area, in 6 days or as many checkpoints within a given day. Family fun as well with cryptic clues being given at random checkpoints as well as photo competitions. Phenomenal” – Stewart Bristow
The first Ski for Sadie has taken place in Les Arcs and 3 valleys. Participants spending 3 days in each, taking part in a variety of challenges across both areas. The ultimate reaching all checkpoints in both areas, 100 in total. Achieved by one team. Planning their route nightly and strategically achieving an amazing feat, as well as skiing all that mileage in 6 days. Another challenge was hitting as many checkpoints in any given day. 49 on the last day in Paradiski by one participant. Leaving Arc 2000 to Montalbert via Montchavin, all of La Plagne including Champany and back to Arc 2000 via 1600, 1800 and 1950. Outstanding on both accounts. Photo competitions and the solving of cryptic clues to revel Sadies favourite song and food.
Accommodation in 2 superbly managed and situated chalets that included breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner. Facilities of sauna and swimming pool. During the evening participants reflected on the day and planned ahead for the following one in front of open fires with a glass of wine. Skiing during the week under clear blue skies and almost ideal snow conditions. Participants pushed their own skiing boundaries as well as supporting and encouraging one another. Everyone, of any standard, achieving within the event challenges and their own personal skiing experiences
Each category had an array of prizes. Including entry to the Telegraph 2020 ski show with magazine subscriptions, vouchers from Snowlab and DOUK and an array of clothing provided by Mojo Clothing. Who also provided the beanies and jumpers for the event participants
Ski for Sadie 2021
Plans and preparation are underway for next seasons event, and more. It will be adapted and differences made. With the plan to have levels of challenges – Blue, Red and Black. Therefore allowing a wider audience of skiing abilities to take part and fit into the appropriate level. The app will be tweeked and we are looking to have the app accessible for independant skiers travelling throughout the season to get involved in a seperate season single challenge leaderboard.
Ski for Sadie will be held in January 2021 & March 2021
More details and info on Ski for Sadie 2021 on over the coming months. Updates and info of next years and this seasons event are on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @skiforsadie
Any questions, enquiries or to provisionally reserve your place please contact
Sadie Bristow Foundation would like to thank everyone involved in the 2020 event for making it happen, the running of the event and preparing for next years. A special thank you all our team…